Monday, February 2, 2009

Bruce Springsteen - The Best Part of the Super Bowl?

Okay, no. Not really. But come on, seriously, Bru. How can you hate The Boss? "Born to Run?" Classic!
Look, you're not alone. There are plenty of you musically un-inclined out there ;-) And I applaud you for being one of the few people to point out how ridiculous that guitar toss was.
But that, THAT was a great half time show. I'm pretty sure he qualifies as a senior citizen, but doesn't rock like a dinosaur a-la the stones or a homeless hippie a-la our blessed Neil Young. The set was impressive, 2 out of 4 songs were classic and, to be honest, it was the most memorable portion of the first 4/7s of the whole damned bowl.
But this isn't a sports blog, so I won't go on about that. On the subject of The Boss, I must protest - he's a legend, and for good reason. I won't judge you for your hatred of U2, because I at least understand the logic behind it. And heck, I won't judge you for your lack of Boss appreciation, despite my earlier jab. To each their own...
But personally, I think the Boss rocked.

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