Monday, April 20, 2009

Not So Crooked

Therapy?'s new album, Crooked Timber proves that they are one of the most underrated bands of any genre. Sure, they probably would have caved in and resorted to making one indifferent album after another had they garnered enough popular acclaim. The good thing is that they remain just in the outskirts of mainstream. They may not be happy about that, but as a fan I can't be happier.

There have been minor disappointments along the way, but Therapy? are propbably the most consistent band that I have ever followed or liked. I don't think there's any Therapy? album that I dislike. Surely, they should be my favourite band. For some reason, I rate Deep Purple, Megadeth, and Iron Maiden higher, but listening to their latest makes me want to reconsider.

It is not the perfect album by any means. Heck, it's not even their best album. But, what a fresh and original album it is! It is chock full of catchy tunes that I will be humming for months to come. If you haven't had a chance to listen to it yet, please do so - you won't be disappointed. It is by far the best album of the year. I'm
not biased at all.

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